With HoudahGeo 5, it’s now even easier to create and share a map with your photos. HoudahGeo publishes photos and track logs on Dropbox. You can then view these in Google My Maps.
This is what your results can look like:
Click on the thumbnail images in the map to see the photo and additonal information. The red line is the path we travelled – recorded on a GPS track logging device.
And this is how you do it:
- Create a HoudahGeo project, add the images you would like to publish and the track log files (if available). Geocode your images and proceed to step 3: Output.
- Select “KML Export” from the toolbar
- Enter a title (e.g. “MyVacation”), then
- select “Template: Default”,
- select “Destination: Publish to Dropbox” and
- set the other options as desired.
- The first time you use this feature, you will need to link your Dropbox account.
- Click OK. You will be prompted to enter a folder name (e.g. “MyVacation”).
- The file “MyVacation.kml” is saved to Dropbox > Apps > HoudahGeo > “MyVacation”, along with folders containing images and thumbnails (if “Use thumbnails” was chosen).
- Open Google My Maps in your browser. Click “Create a new map” or open an existing map. 
Click “Import” below a layer. Drag your KML file (MyVacation.kml) from Finder into the Google My Maps import window.

It takes a few seconds for Google Maps to import the KML file. Layers containing images and layers containing path information (if provided) will appear.
To share your map, click “Share” and change “Access” > “Link sharing” to “On”.
Google My Maps accepts KML files up to 5MB. There is also a limit on the number of elements in the file. You may thus have to split up your project into several KML files.