Todd Olthoff of ScreenCastsOnline takes you on a tour of HoudahGeo 5.
HoudahGeo is an application that streamlines adding location and other metadata to your files. The best part is that it writes that information to the files themselves instead of the library’s catalog.
Todd walks you through the various ways to get photos into HoudahGeo and then covers all of the geocoding and metadata options. You also will learn how to add metadata to the files and share them with outside libraries. Exporting that added information to other services that read them is covered in the last section of the show.
Below is a short preview. Watch the full show for free with a 10-day trial ScreenCastsOnline subscription.
The full tutorial covers:
- Installation & Setup
- Camera Import
- Adding Images from Finder
- Adding photos from Photo Managing Apps
- Using Camera Setup
- Using Coordinates from a Reference Image
- Importing Track Logs
- Importing from GPS Devices
- Using gps4cam Pro for Geocoding
- Process Screen Interface
- Geocoding Using GPS Data
- Geocode from a Reference Photo
- Geocode using Google Earth
- Manually Geocoding Your Images
- Adding Additional Metadata
- Output EXIF/XMP Metadata
- Notifying Photos Library of Changes
- Export to Google Earth
- Export to KML Files
- Upload to Flickr
- Other Export Options