
Geocoding using iPhone reference photos

HoudahGeo offers several options for geocoding your photos: automatic using GPS track logs, using GPS waypoints, using built-in maps, using Google Earth, etc.

One of the lesser known options is geocoding from reference photos (aka. gap fill geocoding). The basic idea behind this technique is pretty simple. Your iPhone creates geocoded photos. You may however find the camera lacking when compared to your regular digital camera. Your preferred camera on the other hand lacks a GPS chip. HoudahGeo can match up geocoded photos from your iPhone with photos taken around the same time using your regular camera. It can thus assume both were taken at the same location.

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Ease shell operations using a spreadsheet

This post refers to HoudahSpot 3. The same general ideas apply to HoudahSpot 4. A future post will provide more details.

Diehard Unix gurus are going to be shocked to see Excel and the Unix shell mentioned in the same breath. Yet this can prove a very powerful combination. Continue reading Ease shell operations using a spreadsheet

HoudahSpot & Tembo – What are the differences?

Apple’s Spotlight stores a great deal of useful information about your Mac’s files. Much more than the Spotlight Menu lets you easily access. Both HoudahSpot and Tembo are file-finding programs which make use of Spotlight data, but do so in a much sleeker and more powerful way. Actually, two very different sleek, powerful ways!Let’s take a look at the difference between the two programs.

Continue reading HoudahSpot & Tembo – What are the differences?

Paste passwords to your iPhone

In the wake of the recently fixed vulnerability in Apple’s SSL implementation, you may want to change passwords to your mail and web site accounts. You will want to use a different password for each account. And you will want these passwords to be hard to guess.

Entering those new passwords on your iPhone can be a tedious task. Continue reading Paste passwords to your iPhone

Tag photos managed by iPhoto or Aperture

Do you use iPhoto or Aperture to import photos from your camera? No problem. You can still use HoudahGeo to tag your photos.

HoudahGeo integrates tightly with iPhoto and Aperture. You can browse your photo libraries using HoudahGeo. To geotag photos, drag them from the sidebar into the Images list of your HoudahGeo project.

Continue reading Tag photos managed by iPhoto or Aperture

Automate HoudahSpot

This post refers to HoudahSpot 3. There have been major improvements to Apple Script and URL actions in HoudahSpot 4. Please refer to the User Guide for details.

HoudahSpot integrates nicely with your automated workflows. Use the custom URL scheme to start HoudahSpot searches from third party tools like LaunchBar and Alfred. Use AppleScript to access search results and build more advanced workflows.

Continue reading Automate HoudahSpot

Customize the display of file label colors

This post refers to HoudahSpot 3. HoudahSpot 4 can show up to three tag colors for each file. It always displays them in much the same way as Finder.

By default, HoudahSpot’s list view matches the Finder’s way of displaying file label colors. I.e. it uses a colored dot next to the file name on Mavericks. On older versions of Mac OS X, it colors the background of the row in the list.

A hidden preference lets you revert to the old style or use the new style on older versions of Mac OS X.

Continue reading Customize the display of file label colors