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Put frequently used Search Templates into the Dock for quick access

Here is a quick and easy way to access your favorite and frequently used HoudahSpot search setups: Just put them into the Dock, from where you can  access them with one click.

To put a HoudahSpot template file into the Dock:

  1. In the HoudahSpot menu bar, go to HoudahSpot > Preferences > Templates.
  2. Select your template, then press the “Reveal in Finder” button. The HoudahSpot Templates folder will open in a Finder window.
  3. Drag the template file to the right section of your Dock. Be careful to drop it in an empty spot next to the other items.Template in Dock

From now on, a simple click on your HoudahSpot Template icon in the Dock will open it in HoudahSpot.