
Select several filter values

Tembo helps you sort through search results by providing context-sensitive filters. The drill-down views for different groups show different filters. Most filters provide a list of values found in the current search results. Select a value to see only results matching that value.

E.g. the filter sidebar for the Documents group list file types. The PDF Documents group can be filtered by author. Images can be filtered by resolution and file type. Etc.

Continue reading Select several filter values

Start a Tembo search from LaunchBar

This post applies to Tembo 1.x. Please refer to the newer blog post for the updated URL scheme used by Tembo 2.

Tembo implements a custom URL scheme. This can be used with LaunchBar search templates to quickly start Tembo searches from within LaunchBar.

Tembo search URLs have the following format:


Such URLs can be invoked by any application, launcher, script, etc. In this article we will look at setting up a search template in LaunchBar.

Continue reading Start a Tembo search from LaunchBar

Tembo: Hidden features and settings

Tembo includes a couple of hidden features and settings. Read on for instructions to enable or configure these features.

  • Default search scope
  • List mounted volumes
  • Maximum result count
  • Sort by date added
  • Grouped results: Date and time values
  • Show results with no value for the sort attribute

These settings are intentionally hidden.
If things go wrong, you may need to trash your Tembo preferences file.

Continue reading Tembo: Hidden features and settings

HoudahSpot & Tembo – What are the differences?

Apple’s Spotlight stores a great deal of useful information about your Mac’s files. Much more than the Spotlight Menu lets you easily access. Both HoudahSpot and Tembo are file-finding programs which make use of Spotlight data, but do so in a much sleeker and more powerful way. Actually, two very different sleek, powerful ways!Let’s take a look at the difference between the two programs.

Continue reading HoudahSpot & Tembo – What are the differences?