
Geotagging for Apple Photos 2.0

The newly released macOS 10.12 Sierra includes a major update to the Apple Photos application. In Photos 2.0, the Places feature makes a comeback. The Places album lets you explore your photos on a beautiful world map. The new Memories feature also includes a map showing where the photos in the collection where taken.

Being able to organize and find photos by location is one of the best reasons to geotag all your photos.

Starting with Photos 2.0, it is now possible for HoudahGeo to update places information in the Photos library. This allows you to use the many options HoudahGeo offers for geocoding to add locations to photos in your library.

Continue reading Geotagging for Apple Photos 2.0

Fill Geotagging Gaps Left by Slow-to-Start GPS Camera

In order to save battery, many GPS-enabled cameras power their GPS receiver only once you turn on the camera. It then takes anyhwere from a couple of seconds to several minutes for the GPS to know where you currently are.

If you take a photo during this power-up phase, the camera is left with the option to use a previously recorded GPS location or forgo geotagging the photos.

At the end of the day, you will have a set of photos where some images lack geotags. This can easily be fixed with HoudahGeo.Geocoding gap left by GPS camera

Continue reading Fill Geotagging Gaps Left by Slow-to-Start GPS Camera

Incremental Photo Geocoding Using Maps

Manually geocoding a long list of photos can be daunting. With HoudahGeo it’s a snap. Follow the workflow outlined below and you’ll be done in no time.

The workflow takes advantage of the fact that the distance travelled between two photos is often rather short and easy to retrace. Once you have determined the location of the first photo, you just need to make incremental adjustments to geocode subsequent photos. It takes but a nudge to the map and a click for each photo.

Continue reading Incremental Photo Geocoding Using Maps

Publish Your Photos on a Map

With HoudahGeo 5, it’s now even easier to create and share a map with your photos. HoudahGeo publishes photos and track logs on Dropbox. You can then view these in Google My Maps.

This is what your results can look like:

Click on the thumbnail images in the map to see the photo and additonal information. The red line is the path we travelled – recorded on a GPS track logging device.

Continue reading Publish Your Photos on a Map

Find Images With No GPS Coordinates

In a previous post,  we searched for files with no Spotlight comment or tags. Today,  we are looking for photos with no GPS latitude or longitude information.

The technique we used last time works for any metadata attribute containing text. For example: subject, author, album, etc. It does not work for number or date values. HoudahSpot won’t let us use the “*” wildcard character in the criteria editor. It expects us to enter a number or a date.

Since latitude and longitude are both numbers, we need to use a slightly different technique. We will make us of some of the more advanced features of the HoudahSpot search field. This is located in the toolbar of the search window.

Continue reading Find Images With No GPS Coordinates

Keeping Geotags When Dragging Images From Apple Photos

If you’re dragging geotagged images from Apple’s Photos application, there’s a setting you need to enable if you wish to share your photos’ locations. Otherwise, your pictures’ geoinformation will be stripped from the files. Continue reading Keeping Geotags When Dragging Images From Apple Photos